Lockdown Essay 'B' Contest (English Notification)

#Why Lockdown Essay 'B' Contest?
This essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, creativity and initiative of the world's youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development. It also aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world.

#The World in 2030
Imagine what an amazing world ten years from now would be like. Write an essay from yourself in 2030 to your present (2020) self, in which you describe the state of the world, the way people are living in, and what you, yourself are doing in society. In addition, include any important message that you might wish to tell your present self.


1. Essay may be submitted by anyone up to 25 years as of June10, 2020 in one of the following  categories.             a)- Children (Age up to 14 )              b)- Youth (Age 15-25) 

2. Essay must be about 700 words or less in Hindi or English.

3. Entries should be submitted by Whatsapp or E-mail and must be included with a cover page with the following details:-

(i)-  Your name           (ii)- Category ( Children or youth)    (iii)- Age ( As of June 10, 2020)

(iv)- Address               (v)- E-mail                                          (vi)- Mobile no.-        

(vii)- Essay Title        (viii)- Language                                  (ix)- Word count


4. Mention your name and page no. at every page.

5. Only Handwritten essay will be accepted (not typed).

6. One person can submit only one entry.

7. Essay must be original and unpublished. Plagiarized entries will be rejected.  

8. Essay must be mismatch with any records of another, in case of matching, both entries will be rejected.

9. At least 25 %  fact can be copied from another link but it is mandatory to mention that link in reference.


1-   Number of entries are limited.

2-   Priority will be given to firstly submitted entries.                           

(Entries must be received by June 10, 2020 (23.59 your local time.)


The following awards will be given in children category and youth category respectively. 

                First Prize:      Certificate and Gift …………………………………….  1 Enrty                 

               Second Prize:   Certificate and Gift ……………………………………..  2 Entries

                                                                                                                                                                                Third Prize:     Certificate and Gift …………………………………….  5 Entries                  

Honorable Mention: 

                     Certificate with rank up to 25 entries.


 Please Send Your Entries T0 

            E-mail:  arpanwelfare87@gmail.com or Whatsapp – 8765037262


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